Jack & Shirley's
 50th Wedding Anniversary Party

mapawedding.jpg (40195 bytes)On an unseasonably cold August day, August 6 to be precise, in the year 1951, Jack & Shirley began their many years of wedded bliss as Mr. and Mrs. Jack & Shirley Slotemaker. Few photos exist of that day 50 year's ago, more exist of that day, 50 year's later. By August 6, 2001 a half century had passed since that cold 1951 day, and 5 days after that date, at the home of their eldest daughter, Nancy, in Kent, Washington, the children of Jack & Shirley had a party to celebrate the first American Slotemaker 50th Wedding Anniversary of the 21st Century. Some of the attendees came long distances to be at this event, and everyone who attended was glad they did, no matter how far the distance...

Michele, Loretta, Dean, Jack, Shirley, Jack, Judy, Mel, Sheryl, Arlene, Nancy & Rosie the Rat Dog's sister Bean, all malingering in front of Nancy's house...they really should go inside and get something to eat...

That is Jane, Marie & Glen Youngren with Mel and Judy in the background...it is not known who Jake and Jill are looking at....



Sheryl and Bill overlooking one of their gluttonous cousins...









Jack & Shirley, being watched by Jill and Jake talking to a mysterious woman with a plate...

Jack & Shirley opening their cards and presents...

And opening some more...

Jack and Tillie....with an unidentified person between them...


This may have been the most photographed Slotemaker Family event in history. Here we see Jackie taking a picture of Dean taking a picture of Jackie taking a picture of Sheryl, Bill, Judy, Mel and Grandma Vera...Jackie's photo of this scene likely has a much better view of Grandma Vera...


Mel, Glen, Marie, Shirley and Judy...Judy appears to be caught in mid word...


Shirley talking to  Tillie...Judy appears to be still trying to get that word out...we believe, even now, almost 6 month's later, that word is still not out....







Marie and Shirley with Mel and Glen intently listening to them....







The best grandson, nephew, son, and brother any one could possibly hope for, Christopher Weston---grandson of Jack & Shirley, nephew of Dean, Jake, Nancy & Michele, and eldest son of Jack & Jackie Weston...






Jack & Shirley sitting next to Grandma Vera with Dean, Jake, Nancy, Jackie and Michele standing behind them...

Hope you enjoyed your look at the first Slotemaker 50th Wedding Anniversary Party of the 21st Century...

Jack & Shirley: The Early Years

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