Cornelius Slotemaker's Birth Certificate

  1. Name of Child Cornelius Slotemaker

  2. Date of Birth Jan. 10, 1902

  3. Place of Birth Lynden, Wash.

  4. Sex boy

  5. Color white

  6. Alive or Still-born alive

  7. Legitimate or Illegitimate Legitimate

  8. Mother's Maiden Name Tillie Kramer

  9. Mother's Age Last Birthday 22

  10. Color White

  11. No. of Child Born to this Mother first

  12. Mother's Birthplace St. Jacobi  Holland

  13. Father's Name John Slotemaker

  14. Father's Age Last-Birthday 31

  15. Color White

  16. Father's Occupation Farmer

  17. Father's Birthplace Noord Sharwoude Holland

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