Noord Sharwoude Langedijk Polders from the Air

The above two photos show what the entire area around Noord Sharwoude looked like in Cornelis Slotemaker's day, had a bird's eye view been available in 1880. The land around Noord Sharwoude and all of Langedijk consisted of hundreds of tiny man made islands. The four villages--- Oudcauspel, Noord Sharwoude, Zuid Sharwoude and Broek op Langedijk were built on a dyke called Langedijk. The below photo shows the area around Noord Sharwoude approximately a century after 1880. Today only the area east of Broek op Langedijk remains and is protected from further development. The canals in the surrounding area were filled in several decades ago.

see  a map of the Noorde Sharwoude polders 
see the Polders at ground level
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