Tillie Kramer & Family in Iowa

Taking a break from her constant cleaning chores, in this photo we see a young Tillie Kramer, future Mrs. John Slotemaker and future great-grandma of the Generation 5 Slotemaker Cousins, holding a broom. To the right of Tillie, among the group of many, is her mom and dad, great-great-grandparents of the Generation 5 Slotemaker Cousins, Mr. And Mrs. Hendrik Kramer and five of Tillie's sisters: Nellie, Ella, Tillie, Kate and Dora, and three brothers: Theodore, Martin and Henry Jr., Henry being the first Kramer born in America. . When asked why Tillie is holding a broom in this photo those who remember her said she was quite the mischievous sort, always finding something to rebel against. A trait it seems she may have passed on to future generations of Slotemakers.

Tillie the Teenager
Tillie and her Sisters
Tillie's Mom and Dad
Tillie's 45th with kids
Tillie's 50th with John
Tillie's Birthplace

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