and Deanie makes Three

in the photo album which held these photos the caption on the top of the page said 'and Deanie make Three' seems the novelty of taking photos must have worn off a bit with each addition, by the time Michele arrived very few photos were taken...there seem to be way too many of Dean...

This is one of many like photos of Dean on the Internet, though this is by far the youngest...

These people do not appear old enough to have a baby...

The baby looks happier than the pa...

Not long out of the hospital...

The caption on the photo said "Deanie's first diaper change"...

Note the antique car...

This was pre-Pampers, that diaper does not look comfortable, and why is this child left on the sidewalk?

Chronic camera shyness...

Shirley appears to have some sort of Lucy Ricardo hair do...

Mastering the use of one big croquet mallet in an early display of a lifelong affinity for any and all sporting activities....

One of many indications of an eating disorder...

Left on the street to fend for himself...

Caption on photo said, "Dean's First Playmate, Ann"--- 
seems these two look like they represent the lollipop league...

Dean's first mountain bike...

Snow in Eugene?

Caption on photo said "Summer of 1957"...

Second Grade

Grandma Slotemaker's kids and grandkids