Agnes, Jessie and Sylvia
two sisters & one best friend

Agnes Slotemaker Estie recently shared with the Slotemaker Cousins some memories about the journey home from school, walking with her future sister-in-law and the future grandma of many of the Slotemaker Cousins, Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker.....

Teenage Agnes

Agnes: "The Slotemaker farm was just around the corner from the Nieveen farm, where your grandma Sylvia grew up. We were good friends, and would walk to school together. On the way home, we would walk until we got to the Timon Road, then she would turn right and I would go home. Sylvia had a bike, I didn't, and sometimes I would ride on her handlebars until she was huffing and puffing. I never thought my good friend would end up being my sister-in-law one day."

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