Grandma Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker

Sylvia Nieveen, one year old
 (this photo would have been taken in 1905 since grandma was born on 12-16-1904)

Sylvia Nieveen, aka Grandma Slotemaker, ca 1925

Mattie and Sylvia.
 (Mattie is Sylvia's older sister---she married a Zoet,
 see the Grommers/Nieveen on-line documents)


Young Sylvia Nieveen, ages unknown

1918-- Sylvia Nieveen, 14 years old, with her niece Adrianna
 (Adrianna can be found in the Grommers/Nieveen on-line documents)

Timon School--Sylvia Nieveen, second from left in front row 


Engelbertus Grommers (to figure out how you relate to this man you'll have to spend some time perusing the Grommers/Nieveen on-line documents)


Martin and Martje (Smith) Nieveen, circa March 25, 1891--- taken around the time of Melle's marriage to Aatje Grommers.  (Grandma Sylvia Slotemaker's father Melle's parents)


Wedding photo of Melle Nieveen & Aatje Grommers Nieveen
 (Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker's mom & dad,
 our great-grandma and great-grandpa)


The five Nieveen brothers: back row - Cornelis, Scaci (Sidney);
 bottom row - Nanco, Melle (Sylvia's father, our great-grandpa), Peter

Grandma Grommers in front;
 left to right: Tante Hiltje Dyksterhuis, Reikje Koster (a cousin), Tantie Harmke Grommers,
 Aatje Nieveen (our great-grandma on the Nieveen side )

An earlier photo of Grandma Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker's Grandma Grommers, the mother of our Great Grandma Aatje Nieveen, which would make Grandma Grommers the Great-Great Grandma of the Slotemaker Cousins


 Aatje Nieveen, 1925
 (Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker's mother, great-grandma Nieveen)

Top - Tante Harmke Grommers;
 Bottom left - Addie Nieveen; Bottom right -Tonte Hiltje Dyksterhuis
 (cousins) - they are in the Grommers/Nieveen on-line documents)

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