


What follows is Tillie Slotemaker's daughter
Jessie's daughter Virginia's account of
memories of her grandma Tillie.



My Grandmother,
Tillie Slotemaker

by Ginny Figenbaum

On Grandma's 60th birthday (January 28, 1938) her 4 sons said they would pay for a plane ride. This plane had an open cockpit with one pilot's seat in the front and one passenger seat behind the pilot. Also, Grandma had to wear a helmet. My mom told me this story. Mom (Jessie) was not quite 19 years old at the time. I believe mom said that her brothers really didn't think their mom would take them up on the offer. But Grandma said okay and got right in the cockpit, put on her helmet and was ready for her first flight. When the plane landed her 4 boys asked Grandma if she was ready to go again. And, she said "I sure am". Mom didn't think they were expecting an answer like that. Well, they told Grandma they didn't have the money for another ride. I thought, wow what a gutsy lady! Just another reason why I thought she was the neatest Grandma ever.

some of Tillie's boys a few years
 before they bought her a plane ride

Grandma would come and visit us in Bellingham at least once a year and stay for a week. I remember this was usually during summer when us 3 kids (Ginny, Bob & Georgi)  were off from school. One year we took Grandma with us to Mt Baker. I had a box camera and asked Grandma if I could take her picture. I asked if she would walk up the snowy slope and get up on a large rock. Grandma always wore dresses and had those black shoes with thick heels. I am not sure just how old Grandma was that Summer (Grandma was 70 when I was born.). I would say she was close to 80. Mom didn't think it was safe for her to do this, but Grandma said her usual "Nah!" and off she went. Grandma was always up for a challenge.

Tillie and the Figenbaums at Mount Baker

I remember my mom telling me from time to time that Grandma had the gift of healing. Grandpa (John Slotemaker) thought she should use this gift and that he and the kids could get along while she was out helping the doctor with the sick during epidemics, the pregnant, and the injured and ill. Mom said Grandma never caught anything -- an indication that God gave her this gift to be used to help others. At Grandma's funeral in Winter of 1964 mom pointed out the piano player. Mom said he was a gifted pianist and Grandma brought him into the world 50 years ago. If I remember correctly, mom said he wasn't breathing and normal slapping didn't help. Mom said Grandma did mouth-to-mouth CPR before there really was such a thing. And he started to breathe on his own. Mom said he wanted to play the piano at her funeral to say "Thank You" since he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. 

Young Tillie
Tillie's family in Iowa
Tillie's mom and dad
Tillie's 45th with kids
Tillie's sisters visit
Tillie's 50th with John

If you have an memories of the older generations of Slotemakers that you would like to share, please email them to the website. 

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