Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Fannie Slotemaker

October 2, 1936, the wedding of Henry Slotemaker & Fannie VanderMey

A parade for the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Lynden.
Myrna is in the baby carriage, with Terry standing between his mom and dad.

1942: Terry, Hank, Myrna & Fannie

1943: Terry, Hank , Myrna, Fannie & Dave

Myrna & Terry are standing in front of their mom who is holding Dave with their Grandma Tillie and Grandpa John

Standing in front of a horseless carriage, Fannie, Henry, Dick & in the suit, Grandpa John, with Myrna, Terry & Dick's daughter Dixie

Terry & Myrna playing with some rat terrier puppies. This family of rat terriers has been on the Slotemaker Farm as long as the Slotemakers, with many more rat terrier generations than Slotemaker generations. It is not known as yet if any of the rat terriers will be attending Slotemaker Reunion 2002.

Slotemaker Farm: 1912
The Slotemaker Farm

Henry Slotemaker & Family

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