Tillie Kramer Slotemaker

Tillie with Eleanor and either Jean or Arlene

From the left...Agnes Slotemaker Estie, Sylvia Nieveen Slotemaker, Fannie Vandermay Slotemaker, Jessie Slotemaker Figenbaum, Ruth Slotemaker Hershberger & Tillie Kramer Slotemaker

in the back row, Jessie Snapper, Tillie Slotemaker, Mara Van Zwol, Cora Polinder---in front, Carolyn Kok & Kate Spaan...see Tillie through the years.....


Tillie and her Sisters
Tillie's Family in Iowa
Tillie the Teenager
Tillie's Mom and Dad
Tillie's 45th with Kids
Tillie's 50th with John
Tillie's Birthplace

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