Henry Slotemaker 
pre-wife, pre-kids, young and care-free

That is Henry Slotemaker, second from the right, standing in front of a horseless carriage. This group appears to possibly be in gussied* up mode, maybe on their way to the big city for a night on the town. One can't help but wonder if that is a beret Henry is holding, like the ones worn by the pair on the left. And who was the photographer? Were photos casually taken back then like they are now?

Here we see Henry looking quite dapper* sitting between two individuals we believe to be his brothers-in-law, Herman VanderMay on the left, John VanderMay on the right.  They may be future in-laws in this photo or Henry may have already successfully pitched woo* and married Herman and John's sister Fannie.

*gussied, dapper and pitching woo
 are terms from the 1920s, the era
 from which it appears these photos date

Henry & Fannie
Slotemaker Farm: 1912
The Slotemaker Farm

Henry Slotemaker & Family


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