Vin & Jessie Slotemaker Figenbaum

According to her brother Henry, writing in the Slotemaker Story, "Jessie met a young soldier from Illinois named Mervin Figenbaum. This acquaintance led to a mutual interest in one another. He was sent to France where he was wounded in combat. After sufficient recuperation to travel he came back to see Jessie. Their interest grew into love and on November 15, 1945 they were married, and have made their home in Bellingham."

For her wedding Jessie decorated the parlor of the Slotemaker home on the Slotemaker farm with evergreen boughs tucking artificial daffodils in between some of the boughs. She made her veil herself, and purchased the dress for $10. The locket she was wearing was given to Jessie by Vin. He bought the locket when he was in training in California before being sent overseas. 

Vin & Jessie with Virginia, Georgi & Bob---in 1955

Vin & Jessie's 50th Wedding Anniversary photo. Jessie wearing the same locket she wore in the wedding photo from 50 year's prior.

This is the first time in all her years of living in its shadow that Tillie went up to Mount Baker. Note Tillie's hat; she always wore a hat when she went out. Georgi wanted to get a photo of her Grandma Tillie standing on the snow - but Tillie refused to stand in the snow. Finally they convinced Tillie to stand on a rock and pose for a photo. A Slotemaker Cousin is trying to locate that photo.

Jessie pre-Vin pre-kids

Jessie's namesake

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