Agnes Slotemaker

Agnes & Jessie Slotemaker

"On Feb. 18, 1918, one day before her 4th birthday, Mother called us to the bedside to witness her departure. There was no struggle, just a gasp and she was gone, leaving her emaciated little body and entering the glories of heaven. Two things relating to the funeral cling to my memory: 1. It was a cold wintry day; and 2. A statement made by the minister, spoken in Dutch "Je hebt veel genot van Jessie gehad." Using 3 English words to translate the word "genot" the statement reads, "You have had much joy, pleasure, delight from Jessie." This statement summarizes quite well the position she occupied in the family during her brief span of life with us...."

Henry Slotemaker
writing about his little sister's death and funeral
The Slotemaker Story: Part 5

Dick & Agnes

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Estie Wedding Photo

Newspaper wedding announcement


Agnes Slotemaker & Joe Estie on the Slotemaker Farm.
It is not known if this photo was taken pre-wedding or post-wedding.

Jean & Eleanor Estie with a horseless carriage

John & Tillie with Joe & Agnes

Agnes & Joe

One the back of this photo of a grass-skirted Agnes was written... 

To Carol -
How do you like my Hawaiian outfit. I wore this to a party. Can't see the flower in my hair.
from Grandma

above, Agnes at her birthday party in 1995
below, Agnes and her granddaughters

Interview with Agnes
Agnes & her sister-in-law
Agnes at a party
Agnes & her mom & dad & siblings

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